Diemakers – Invoicing



  • Ability to customize Invoice Printout of data
  • Generate from Job Costing, Ticket or manually with the ability to override
  • Type as much description for each item as desired
  • Assign taxes on a line by line basis
  • Automatic calculation and note of discounts if desired
  • Price any number of methods i.e.; Each, Lot, Per M, Per C
  • Ability to use with Product Codes
  • User Definable Fields
  • Automatic E Mail Notification with PDF


  • Invoice composed during Ticket or Job Costing
  • Avoid Double Entry to Accounting (Quickbooks, Peachtree and others)
  • Integrated with Sales Analysis for Profitability by Customer, Sales Rep, Product, etc.
  • Breakdown to Sales Analysis to identify profitability by Production Center i.e. Die-Making, Die-Cutting, Folding/Gluing
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